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Welcome to Beauty and the Gi, the BJJ podcast about jiu-jitsu and life from the female perspective.

Aug 4, 2021

We're exploring the intersection of the enneagram, our jiu-jitsu, and our personality types. Does our personality type impact how we show up in our jiu-jitsu? Can understanding our personalities and learning which areas need development can make our jiu-jitsu better? 

According to, the Enneagram is a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. The Enneagram describes nine personality types and maps each of these types on a nine-pointed diagram which helps to illustrate how the types relate to one another.

We are bringing on an Enneagram expert in a future episode so we can dive deeper into this topic. Make sure you're subscribed or following the podcast in your favorite podcasting app so you don't miss this upcoming episode.

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Connect with Jen and AJ

Beauty and the Gi Podcast on Instagram @beautyandthegipodcast

Jen on Instagram @brassybroadjen

AJ on Instagram @ajclingerman

@BeautyAndTheGi on Twitter

Beauty and the Gi Facebook Group

Beauty and the Gi Facebook Page

Links and Resources

Recording, Theme Music, Editing, and Production of this podcast by Jen at The Brassy Broadcasting Company